13D/ VALUE CHAIN How is value spread across
VALUE CHAIN How is value spread across
Session Convener: Michael Shea
Notes-taker(s): Paul Grehan, Michael Becker
Tags / links to resources / technology discussed, related to this session:
Value, Cost and Motivation to adopt a Open Trust Claims (SSI)
Discussion notes, key understandings, outstanding questions, observations, and, if appropriate to this discussion: action items, next steps:
Explored the true cost and motivation of each actor involved in the SSI chain to adopt.
By providing a rollup of value metrics, indicate either a positive incentive to adopt or what barriers exist until a more compelling benefit is realized to adopt and migrate to trusted claims.
Michael walked us through the steps of deconstructed and end-to-end value chain. The key, according to Michael, is to look for the bottleneck. That is to say, to identify the players that are not not providing or more importantly getting any value from the process. These will be your points of failure.
You then want to consider exactly how people will engage, especially in the consumer facing environments. Will they have the B2C experiences available to be able to effectively interact with a service. If not, the value chain will fail.
In the end, it all starts with understand the problem you're solving and for whom, and then to work backward from there.
See image(s) for these notes in the IIWXXXIV Book of Proceedings here: