3J/ Where are the Complete EcoSystems?
Where are the Complete EcoSystems?
Session Convener: Marty Reed
Notes-taker(s): Peter Langenkamp
Tags / links to resources / technology discussed, related to this session:
Discussion notes, key understandings, outstanding questions, observations, and, if appropriate to this discussion: action items, next steps:
Ecosystem (brainstorm)
- group
- Interconnected parts
- equilibrium
- self-sustaining
- governance
- networks
- technology
- dependencies
- lifecycle
- wolf-wyoming
- trust
- dynamics
- diverse incentives
Complete (brainstorm)
- self-sustaining
- end-to-end
- enough
- finished
- operational
- compliant
- purpose built (fit for purpose)
- governance
- point in time
Critical mass (brainstorm)
- self-sustaining
- Orbit x
- equilibrium (homeostasis)
- adoption
- affordable
- threshold
- gravity x
- viral
- usability
- governance
- volume
- market visibility
- awareness
- education level
Move 'self-sustainable' (category of it's own?)
Ingredients for an ecosystem
- issuer
- holder
- verifier
- regulatory framework (not governance)
- demand / need (is not credential ...)
- supply
- awareness
- credentials
- economic model
- standards
Black Swan event
Example of use case on Aruba got off the ground by first coming to an agreement with all parties involved
- Health care providers
- Government
- Venues
- six vendors involved in total
- two issuers, two verifiers
- prevent fraud
Complete ecosystem [build a good product] (someone needs to build a product that people like)
- demand / need [opportunity]
- regulating framework [potential]
- Awareness |- [MVP]
- Adoption (all parties) |-[MVP]
- self-sustaining [scale]
- problem must exist
When covid hit, lots of parties started building systems for covid
- 90% failed
- the ones that succeeded, built a better product
- market-made