4H/ On-Chain Application of DIDs (did:sol & Cryptid)
On-Chain Application of DIDs (did:sol & Cryptid)
Session Convener: Martin Riedel
Notes-taker(s): Phillip Shoemaker
Tags / links to resources / technology discussed, related to this session:
Links: https://github.com/identity-com/sol-did https://github.com/identity-com/cryptid
Discussion notes, key understandings, outstanding questions, observations, and, if appropriate to this discussion: action items, next steps:
Martin gave a conceptual overview of the topic:
did:sol is a program on Solana to manage DIDs and their representative state on Solana. There is a resolver library (and unisolver integration) for did:sol to allow easy integration for OFF-CHAIN Use-Cases.
Furthermore identity.com developed and deployed a program on Solana (Cryptid) that allows to access and verify the SAME state from the did:sol to execute any ON-CHAIN Solana Transaction through Cryptid.
Next to DID-State evaluation Cryptid plans to be extended with dynamic Middleware that could add additional verification logic to on-chain transactions (e.g. spending limits, and others).
- Is that a good idea? Yes, but the reference to the state on chain should probably not referred to as DID (In Cryptid it’s “Cryptid Address”)
- Bringing the On-Chain / Blockchain community together with the SSI / off-chain identity community.
- DID specs would also be shaped by on-chain requirements. For example Verification Methods should maybe contain a property if key ownership was proofed when a key was added to a DID.
WHITEBOARD PICTURE: See image(s) for these notes in the IIWXXXIV Book of Proceedings here: