6K/ Building Privacy - Preserving Payment Rails for Identity Exchange
From IIW
Building privacy-preserving payment rails: without commercial models, SSI will fail
Session Convener: Ankur Banerjee
Notes-taker(s): Ankur Banerjee
Tags / links to resources / technology discussed, related to this session:
- Seven Deadly Sins of Commercialising SSI: A session from IIW 33 with background on discussions during this session
- Business Models of Identity: An overview of how existing commercial models are in digital identity businesses - and extensions that could be applied to make the same work in self-sovereign identity.
- An example of decentralised payment rail models (there could be many approaches possible)
Discussion notes, key understandings, outstanding questions, observations, and, if appropriate to this discussion: action items, next steps:
- We discussed the basic context of how identity attribute validation/verification is currently done, and it often relies on expensive, centralised services.