Applying a Gender Lens on Evolution of the Market for Personal, Household, Small Biz, Clouds/Data plus future of hyperconectivity
Session Topic: Gender Lens
Thursday 3H
Convener: Kaliya Hamlin
Notes-taker(s): Kaliya Hamlin
Tags for the session - technology discussed/ideas considered: Gender, Women, Protocols
Discussion notes, key understandings, outstanding questions, observations, and, if appropriate to this discussion: action items, next steps:
We opened the session, as I like to do inviting people attending to share why they came and why I wanted to host the session. I took notes via post it notes and this is a reflection of those.
Being fascinated by the issue and dynamic of gender in the world, the language around the internet, around the event (IIW), what are we creating and how are we creating it. The body language seen. How the conference flows.
Media frames of women and the emerging tools.
- Protecting them from “online predators”
- And how good girls are seduced into sexting
- What does technological production of their own experience of technology really mean
Big Data is a Gendered Issue.
- Big data is being mined to find the “commercial value points” of life marriage, family etc.
What about user (women) friendly translation services to consider the implications?
- Mommy tech blogs?
- BlogHer but they are being drawn into existing advertising tools/networks that “comodify” their users
- She’s Geeky creates place for peer learning between women
Kaliya put forward a vision of an event that might bring leading well known Feminists with public voices and and Technoliterate women together.
Imbalances throughout the whole chain of value. Women are making 82% of all purchasing decisions but are not even at 50% in so many aspects of the value chain that brings them products.
Chief Household Operating Officer
- use-case development
- What are current folk data management practices
- Women who are technical and hacking it together
- Complex households beyond nuclear family
Celebrating Gender differences – between men and women with different leanings/capacities.
What do women want?
- To manage their things?
- Or to manage their people?
- Data from custodial / stewardship relationships
- Children
- Elder parents
- Disabled adult children
- Will it help you manage
- What will be more burdensome? Better tools might make “more work”
- How are different generations interacting with technology differently.
Criteron Gender Lens Project
- Women and investing with a gender lens is an opportunity
The guy who joined the conversation put it out that the kinds of architecture and shapes/designs are feminine and that these new distributed autonomous node architectures are part of the return of the divine feminine.
Protocol: How control exists after decentralization. An inspiration for me in doing the work I do about identity - the Identity of people and the protocols that define it really matter for the future – because they will define how people are. This book talks about ICP/IP was a balanced protocol/central decentralize.
Are the current tools (big data etc) stripping the end user of their humanity? Is there a cognitive disconnect between the tools and the marketplace. The formation and sculpting of these tools matter.
Women are being encouraged to entrepreneurship and funding and to do coding/developing.
TED talks and presenting…(Getting support to do them) We thought maybe we should start Teddy talks - sponsored by Victoria Secret with women in all kinds of bodies.