IIW 22 Demo's
IIW XXII #22 Community Sharing / DEMO LIST - For Wednesday April 27, 2016
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1. Yubico: Securing online identities with open standards PIV, OATH, OpenPGP and FIDO U2F Stina Ehrensvard, CEO and Founder & Chris Streeks, Solutions Engineer URL: https://www.yubico.com/products/yubikey-hardware We'll demo the versatile YubiKey, which supports open standards such as PIV, OATH, OpenPGP and FIDO U2F. Use U2F strong authentication to log into gmail and Dropbox among others. See PIV capabilities that combine with Windows RDP login, and check out one-time password capabilities for LastPass, Salesforce and others. Use the same Yubikey to sign GitHub commits with your GPG keys.
2. Cirrus Identity Gateway Service: Dedra Chamberlin
URL: http://www.cirrusidentity.com/gateway
In enterprise identity, it's a pain to create and manage accounts for external users. The Cirrus Identity Gateway Service gets rid of “guest” accounts, saving your IT staff time and money, and sparing your external users the frustration of creating a new account.
3. Universal Compiler: Scott Shelton
URL: http://www.scottshelton.com/video/UCTrailerSmall.mov
The Universal Compiler is an open, crowd-sourced way to translate any natural language human instruction into any computer instruction for any platform or device in any language. It connects people, businesses, and devices with intention, information, and supply and demand.
4. digi.me –current PC/Mac and iOS version application: Jim Pasquale & Julian Ranger
URL: http://digi.me for product and http://digi.me/video for vision
The demonstration of digi.me will show what users can do when they own and control their own data on their own devices(s), initially with their social data of up to twenty aggregated accounts that are fully curated – providing peace of mind, flashback perspectives on social interactions with likes and comments and photos, universal search, customizable widgets for building collections, creating journals, empowering individuals to make better decisions.
5. Nymi Band: Shawn Chance URL: www.Nymi.com The Nymi Band is a biometrically enabled, wearable authenticator that enables persistent identity. The demo will review the Nymi Band hardware, how to authenticate to the device and how the device can unlock a Windows PC running the Nymi Lock Control application (credential provider).
6. Blockstack Labs: Muneeb Ali URL: http://blockstack.org I will demo a command-line interface for Blockstack, the global Internet database. I will show how the CLI connects to a local or remote server, how you can lookup information in the .id namespace, and how you can register new users without trusting any third party. I'll also demo how the CLI wallet works and how you can backup the privatekeys that own the names you register.
7. Blockstack Labs / Blockstack Desktop App for Self-Sovereign Identity Management: Ryan Shea URL: https://blockstack.org The Blockstack app let's users create and manage self-sovereign identities on the Blockstack peer-to-peer identity network. Today users can update personal information and look up other profiles, and soon they'll be able to sign documents and authenticate with other apps.
8. Blockstack Labs / Confidential authenticated storage in Blockstack: Jude Nelson URL: https://blockstack.org/blockstack.pdf
I will show how to share data with Blockstack, the global Internet database. It removes a long-standing UI/UX problem in cryptography by offering *transparent* end-to-end data confidentiality and authenticity with no SPOF, as well as secure and automatic public key management.
9. Yoti / Yoti the identity app:David Goate, Bruce Nash, Simon West
URL: www.yoti.com Yoti is your ID, on your phone. It helps you prove who you are to companies and people, online and in person. It takes 90 seconds to create your digital identity, which you can use to log into websites using your face, instantly know who you’re talking to online and prove your age.
10. Clef: Jessica Riley and Darrell Jones III URL: http://getclef.com We have built a replacement for usernames and passwords and the most secure user-friendly two-factor authentication available. We power logins for over 125,000 sites and the New York Times describes Clef as "magical."
11. Best Innovation Group / FIBOT – Home Financial and Identity Appliance: John Best URL: https://www.dropbox.com/s/pnqyea0m6zxxquw/FIBOT.pptx?dl=0 The FIBOT is a stand alone personal blockchain cloud appliance that can integrate with Sovereign identity , it will provide a secure mechanism to shard the private keys to your identity . It will also provide the ability to access your financial information and make secure payments.
12. IDKeys: Victor Grey and Jim Fournier URL: http://idkeys.org/ ID Keys is a distributed global identity system. It registers cryptographic public keys on the Stellar blockchain to provide fast, secure, resolution without wasted energy.
13. Spimes and ESProto Sensors: Phil Windley URL: http://www.windley.com We use the concept of spimes (Bruce Sterling’s neologism for for objects that contain meta data) to organize collections of sensors based on the ESP8266 processor. Using knowledge gleaned from the Fuse Connected Car platform, we are developing a platform that organizes connected things into personal collections while preserving important Internet properties such as decentralization and substitutability.
13. Spimes and ESProto Sensors: Phil Windley URL: http://www.windley.com We use the concept of spimes (Bruce Sterling’s neologism for for objects that contain meta data) to organize collections of sensors based on the ESP8266 processor. Using knowledge gleaned from the Fuse Connected Car platform, we are developing a platform that organizes connected things into personal collections while preserving important Internet properties such as decentralization and substitutability.
14. Cloud Foundry UAA Demo: Sree Tummidi In this demo we will showcase the identity federation capabilities of Cloud Foundry UAA (User Account and Authentication Service). It implements standards like OAuth, SAML & OpenID Connect and is responsible for securing the Cloud Foundry and the Apps and API's running on the platform.
15. Indieweb Cross Site Replies: Kevin Marks URL: http://www.indiewebcamp.com Having your own website doesn't mean you are cut off from social websites. You can comment on your own site and have replies show up on other people's sites, and on silos like twitter and facebook, using Micropub and Webmention.