IIW 29 Tech Sandbox Breakfast Fair

From IIW

'Presenting the Technology Sandbox Breakfast Fair at IIW29 Brought to us by Anonyome Labs https://anonyome.com/

This time is for Identity Technology Providers to offer a real hands-on experience with the latest identity tech available to IIW attendees, in one on one and small group interactions. Come and play with IIW tech Thursday morning before and during breakfast (8:00 – 9:00.)

Below are the Technology Providers who will be offering hands-on experience and more!

IBM Decentralized Identity Offerings: Milan Patel URL: https://docs.info.verify-creds.com/explore/interactive_guide/ Interactive experience that showcases IBM Decentralized Identity offerings and an end to end experience of credential lifecycle management - issue, hold, and verify built using Hyperledger protocols. https://docs.info.verify-creds.com/explore/interactive_guide/

Universal DID Registration and Resolution: Markus Sabadello URL: https://uniresolver.io/ Interoperability on the DID layer is becoming more and more important. Let's look at some existing tools that can help!

Pico Labs - Manifold -- Manage All Your Things: Bruce Conrad URL: manifold.picolabs.io A demo of the "Safe and Mine" application in Manifold to help when you lose one of your things. Also a give-away of tags that you can physically attach to your things.

Streetcred ID: Michael Boyd, Tomislav Markovski, Riley Hughes URL: https://demo.streetcred.id (not active yet. Will be by IIW) Experience Streetcred's API in action. Our demo will show you how to setup your organization to issue a verifiable credential to your user’s digital wallet within 5 minutes.

UBOSbox: Johannes Ernst, Indie Computing Corp URL: https://indiecomputing.com/products/ UBOSbox is a pre-configured home server that enables users to take their personal data home from on-line services such as Dropbox onto hardware they control. Now shipping. Looking for more apps to ship, e.g. self-sovereign digital identity, IoT, VRM and others!

HearRo, Inc is the company and our product is also called HearRo: Vic Cooper URL: https://www.hearro.com HearRo uses SSI to create unique, trusted connections that enable effortless communication. Built for enterprise call centers, using HearRo means no id questions, no waiting on hold, no starting over.

IdRamp - Self Sovereign Identity the Enterprise and Beyond: Mike Vesey URL: idramp.com/ledger Learn how practical Interoperability with enterprise infrastructure enables adoption of decentralized identity.