Info Sharing Agreement
Session topic: Information Sharing Agreement (W1D)
Convener: Joe Andrieu
Notes-taker(s): Joe Andrieu
Tags for the session - technology discussed/ideas considered:
Discussion notes, key understandings, outstanding questions, observations, and, if appropriate to this discussion: action items, next steps:
Kantara, information sharing, VRM, personal data stores, UMA, ISWG (information sharing work group)
Discussion notes, key understandings, outstanding questions, observations, and, if appropriate to this discussion: action items, next steps: Key Concepts behind ISWG -
- My Data, Your Data, Their Data, Everybody's Data
- Customer Supplier Engagement Framework
- Engagement Model
- Trust Framework
- Data Host, Data Recipient, Individual
- Master Agreement & Data Transaction Agreements
Key Idea: before sharing information, establish a contract covering the use of that data
Quadumvirate used to describe key terms for information sharing
- Recipient
- Scope
- What Data
- How do they get it
- When do they get it
* Purpose
- Specific value creating activity
- Duration of use
- Response Channel
- Authorized communications for output of purpose
Eg: Google Search * Recipient : Google
- Scope
- What Data : Search Keywords
- How do they get it : Form data posted to URL
- When do they get it : When form is submitted
- Purpose
- Specific value creating activity : Recommend related websites
- Duration of use : once
- Response Channel
- Authorized communications for output of purpose : web page resulting from post
Eg: Google Alerts
- Recipient : Google
- Scope
-- What Data : Search Keywords
- How do they get it : Form data posted to URL
- When do they get it : When form is submitted
* Purpose
- Specific value creating activity : Recommend related websites
- Duration of use : ongoing (instant/daily/weekly)
* Response Channel
- Authorized communications for output of purpose : email
From these, we see two desirable categories of terms.
1. Terms that all sharing scenarios have in common.
2. Terms that distinguish different scenarios.
The Master Agreement covers #1. Data Transaction covers #2.
Master Agreement:
- Termination at will
- No redistribution without permission, except to third parties who have agreed to this agreement and to not coorelate this data with data from other contexts.
Data Transaction Elements
- value added
- freely redistribute (permissions otherwise are part of master agreement)
- use data: once/session/ongoing
- read/write/update data: once/session/ongoing
- derivative with editorial approval
- consideration
- statistical aggregation (statically anonymous)
- Power of attorney/agency
First four patterns combining those elements
- Pattern 1: Personal RFP: pRFP, value added, read & use for lifetime of pRFP, statistical aggregation, communications via service broker, statistical aggregation
- Pattern 2: Transit Authority: geolocation data, read & use indefinitely, no value added, no communications channel, statistical aggregation
- Pattern 3: Road Warrior Program: geolocation data, read & use indefinitely, value added, communications channel: device specific (GPS interface)
- Pattern 4: Usage optimization:use data, read & use indefinitely, value added (advice), communications channel: notification (SMS, email), power of attorney
Added during session: need for element specifying data host location.
Work in progress. Participation invited.