Notes IIW10
HERE IS THE COMPLETE PDF: Media:IIWX_Book_of_Proceedings.pdf
Session 1
C: Designing Faceted ID System
D: Nascar for Sharing and Personal Service Distovery
F: Getting Started in Internet Identity
G: Can the Open Pile Become Beautiful Again
H: Small Business Software on the Open Web
O: Online Voter ID How do we do that?
Session 2
E: Voluntary Oblivious Compliance
G: A New Liberty? to prevent single vendor dominance
Session 3
A: Magic Signatures and Salmon
B: Cet Competing e-ID providers creating a Market
C: OneSocialWeb XMPP & Social Web
D: What do regular web devs need to know about ID
E: User Managed Access - UMA (protocol)
G: eCitizen OpenID National Architecture
I: OpenID Connect: Under the Hood
Session 4
Session 5
F: Linking Data Across Social Networks APIs
I: OAuth 2
K: ORCID Open Research Contributor ID
Session 1
C: Strong Auth and OpenID getting Comfie
D: Information Cards and Gov Cards
Session 2
B: Legal Issues Underpinning of UMA ("UMA and the law")
F: Migrating from HTTP to HTTPS OpenID
H: Patents, People Development Pools
I: Enterprise Signing in OAuth
Session 3
D: The Right Question Making Privacy Policies User-Centric vs. Data Centric
F: UX w/no logout...single sign out
G: URL-Sharing Using the OExchange Protocol Stack
O: The Case for and Design of KRL
Session 4
A: Research Report on Info Sharing
C: User Managed Access (Claims 2.0)
E: Client Side OptIN Cross Site Data Sharing
G: Web Biz Card
I: Separating: ID, Credential, and Attribute Management
Session 5
A: Biz Model on Distributed Social Web
D: Honey Roasted Death Camp Salad
G: Implications of User Owned Controlled Data as Official Government Policy
Session 1
A: Personal Data Store Ecosystem Design
E: (In)Coherent Web (in)security Policy Framework
F: Bootstrapping OAuth 2.0 Ecosystems
Session 2
C: OAuth Provisioning continued
E: Stateless Distributed Membership an Inquiry
G: Breaking up with Atom Activity Streams
Session 3
B: Certifying Open ID, IdPs, RP
I: PCITF: Payment Card Industry Trust Framework
Session 4
A: 7 Deadly Sins of Distributed Authentication
Session 5
F: Telco-Web-Data User Model Scenarios