Square Tag
Session Topic: Square Tag (TH4E)
Convener: Sam Curren
Notes-taker(s): Sam Curren
Tags for the session - technology discussed/ideas considered:
Discussion notes, key understandings, outstanding questions, observations, and, if appropriate to this discussion: action items, next steps:
SquareTag - Thursday Session 4 Sam Curren
Issues/Opportunities moving forward:
Industry redirection/namespace organization - create an organization that handled providers going out of business, porting of tags to other providers, and global namespace
full JSONSchema support - lists of objects
Multi-owner scenarios - Data and access rights.
Public tag data - allowing the public to see/update portions of data
Monetization opportunities beyond tag purchase
Manufacturer involvement - data from the beginning
Signed/Certified information/records - ability to verify attributes/records present in a tag.
Media attachment - adding pictures and other encoded data.