What Changes YOUR Information Sharing Behavior
Session Topic: Infosharing
Tuesday 1H
Convener: Joe Andrieu
Notes-taker(s): Joe Andrieu
See infosharing wg on Kantara.
It is a nutrition sharing information about my personal information, at the point you are about to share the info at the transaction. ToS too hard, and encourage click train..
Started with per transaction contractual agreements, moved to simple
representation of labels, something you can check as opposed to breaking up your
Related to Mozilla and ToS DR, and Lloyd Kramer @ Carnegie Mellon nutrition facts
privacy label cor the whole site like P3P.
Is there a role for legislation
Do people read labels?
What info goes on the label?
What are users looking for? Automate the notice? Tags/filters?.. road/traffic light sign type logos.
How do users share back why a user didn’t share their info?
Do people see sharing as a problem..
What will change my behavior when asked to release my data?
It’s easy
Friend says is scary/crowd sourcing
On-selling data
Viral exposure
Unknown 3rd party redistribution
Clear value prop ….compensation – trading your information to receive a benefit. Quid pro quo..
Ability to negotiate, opt in, opt out
Social, fun and useful and in context.
Paying attention to the label ‘after the fact’..e.g. when doctor says you are sick. So you need a ‘health check’
Education and awareness
Peer pressure
What are the inflection points? Mobile, cookies, SSL
Behavioral characteristics:
Drive to acquire
The drive to bond..
The drive to learn
The drive to defend
The drive to feel
How to avoid irrelevant marks becoming ‘marketing’
Bacon labeling. an example of behavioral influence…
Raw-cooked, rating score, presentation, but all on one service level. What is wrong
is there are different rating systems and these should be distributed, accessible for